The Pa Primary is next Tuesday, April 23rd. Our candidates list is small this time around, two to be exact. We met with a few candidates for State Attorney General and Treasure. The two we are endorsing, we have long standing relationships with at the Capitol.
Our State Treasure candidate is the current House Majority Leader Ryan Bizzarro. Ryan has stood with us on everything from Paycheck Protection to current legislation like PTSI Workman s Comp and PFAS. Time and time again he has proven to be a man of his word, always standing with Fire Fighters.
Jared Solomon is our candidate for State Attorney General. Jared is the current Chair of the House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee where the majority of Fire Fighter bills pass through. Jared and his team have been instrumental in getting PTSI and PFAS to the finish line this session. Both of those bills have been stuck in limbo for over six years. With Jared’s dedication to our health and safety and his team’s legislative expertise, we are almost there.
Both candidates have been there and continue to be there for us, it s our turn to be there for them. We know they will always advocate for Fire Fighters no matter where their path takes them.
With all that said, we need your help next Tuesday manning the polling stations. Morning 0700 to 1130ish Afternoon 1530 to when the polls slow. We will get together for lunch at noon. Polling station locations will be handed out when the schedule and roster are complete.
For further information contact Joe Hottenstein
In Solidarity,
Executive Board
2024 AFD Holiday Party
NewsThe Allentown Fire Department formally invites you and your family to the 2024 Holiday party being held at the Allentown Brew Works, Silk Lounge on December 20th, 2024, 6pm to 10pm. Tickets will be $60 per person which will include beer, wine, other drink specials, DJ, and food. Please RSVP by 12/6. Attached is a video/event flyer for more information on the event and how to pay. Video
Breakfast with Santa
NewsLocal 302 will be hosting our annual “Breakfast with Santa” on 12/14/2024 from 9am-11am at the fairgrounds hotel. Please see the attached flyer and sign up sheet for more details. Thank you and see you there!
Watch Presentation
NewsPlease see attached flyer for information on the watch presentation for our retired and fallen members.
Need Help November 5th
News, Political Action2024 AFD Award Ceremony and Memorial Service
NewsEveryone and their families are cordially invited to attend. Monday October 14th, 2024 at the Scottish Rite Cathedral. 1533 Hamilton St, Allentown, PA.
President Warmkessel Speech
Members, News, Political ActionFormal Announcement of Services for Fire Marshal Jeff Tomczak
Members, misc, News, Retiree NewsAllentown Fire Academy Class 2024-1
miscCongratulations to class 2024-1. This was a significant sized class. We added 17 fire fighters to our ranks, 12 of which were through a SAFER grant. These new members will help to keep our city safe and continue serving the citizens of Allentown through community outreach. It’s always exciting to see our city grow and leaders who understand the importance of having strong public safety. Serve our city with pride, dedication, and compassion.
Still Need Help
miscElection Day Tuesday April 23rd
Members, Political Action