We’re back in the political season. All that has transpired over this summer from COVID, de-funding Police and local protests, to a major storm, show us how important it is to support our political friends.
One such friend is State Rep. Pete Schweyer. Pete has been instrumental in rebuilding our fleet and securing funding for various equipment needs. He faced a challenging primary season which is still carrying on in the court system. We cannot afford to lose his experience and influence in Harrisburg. The City’s political landscape is changing and our friend’s political opponents are not going to be helpful for us at the state level.
With that said, starting next week I am in need of help putting out yard signs for Rep. Pete Schweyer. We did it during the primary and his campaign was extremely grateful. Please come out and help us get Pete re-elected. The more members we get out, the faster and easier it is.
Thank you to all who have supported our political efforts. Your help is what builds our Local and Department.
Please contact Adam Perreault (484) 892-1787 for availability and additional info.
Help at The Polls
MembersLocal 302 General Elections Sample Ballot
Attached you will find a sample Ballot for Local 302’s General Election. Elections will take place on Monday, November 2nd 2020 from 1000-1930. The election will be held at the American Legion at 1615 Sumner Ave. You may not vote while on duty.
Any questions contact Secretary Custer at 610-597-0325.
Special Meeting & Election Slots Open
MembersThursday, October 22, 2020
Attention Local 302 Members
In Accordance with Article 4 Section 2 of the Constitution and Bylaws, there will be a special meeting on Monday, November 2nd, 2020.
The purpose of the meeting is to give an update and discuss contract negotiations. The meeting will be held at the American Legion Post 576 at 1615 Sumner Ave. at 1330 and 1615 hrs
A contract ratification vote if necessary will be held on November 9th, 2020. The voting will take place in the Union Office from 1400-1830 hrs.
302 Election Slots Open For November 2nd
10:00-12:00- Hammel
12:00-14:00n- A. Pychinka
14:00-16:00 -Kemmerer
16:-18:00 -Dev. Grow
18:00-19:30- Zellin
Pete Schweyer Support
MembersNovember 3rd is rapidly approaching. This election is not only pivotal in the presidential election but even more so locally. Pete Schweyer our current Representative is facing a serious challenger and stands to lose the seat. Pete has been a staunch friend of firefighters and has been instrumental in helping to rebuild the Department. Let’s support our friend get Pete re-elected. To get this done we need to show force. We can show force by handing out support literature at the polling stations. This is a very effective method of supporting a candidate. We get to the voters as they go in to cast their votes. A lot of times this makes a difference in undecided or uninformed voters. We need a lot of members to come out and show Local 302 Allentown Fire Fighters support Pete like he supports us. Do not assume someone else is going to do it, we need everyone. Contact Perreault (484) 892-1787 with your shirt size and availability.–
Firehouse Fridays
Charitable Events, NewsLocal 302 Allentown Fire Fighters are proud to be partnering with the YMCA in re-starting the Firehouse Fridays program. Every Friday from 3-4 at Hibernia Fire Station located at Ridge and Tilghman we serve the children of Allentown under 18 bagged meals and meet the families of our community. Unfortunately, COVID has forced the program to make some changes to meet safety guidelines but we are working with them to continue serving the families of Allentown.
It’s Time for Firefighters to Take Back Our Union
MembersIf you can’t sit at the firehouse kitchen table and explain and justify the money you’re spending on behalf of the union. You Don’t Deserve to lead.
Pete Schweyer Yard Signs
MembersI’m picking up the yard signs Monday for Pete Schweyer so we will start distribution next week. I need guys to help get them out in mostly the soutside and some areas of center city. Pete has been a huge advocate of ours and is apart of why our Department has added new equipment and apparatus over the past few years. He has a viable opponent and we cannot afford to lose him. We need guys to come out and help us get Pete re-elected. Don’t assume someone else will do it. All we ask is two hours or if you have more time available, even better.
Contact Perreault, (484)892-1787, with your availability and any questions. —
Political Season
MembersElection Notice For September Meetings
MembersCism Debrief for Fatal Fire
We will be conducting a second follow up cism debrief for the fatal fire which will be held on Friday 7/31/20 at 1900 at the Allentown Police Academy. Several of the individuals involved were unable to attend the first debrief so we felt it would beneficial to have a second one, anyone who was at the first may come as well. Please let the individuals under your command know. We will have food and beverages available as well.
Allentown Police