Anyone interested in attending services on Monday, June 27th contact Lt. Custer (610) 597-0325 by Noon Tomorrow, Friday, June 24th.


Governor and U.S Senate race Recommendations

(We did not officially endorse):

Josh Shapiro

U.S. Senate (We did not officially endorse):

Connor Lamb

The reason we are not making recommendations on the Republican side for Gov. and U.S. Senate is that none are friendly to Professional Fire Fighter issues. As always vote for your beliefs.

Tomorrow is primary day and as I mentioned before, our friends in the political world who have helped us rebuild the department
need us at the polls tomorrow. We need to show them that we appreciate their friendship and make sure they stay in a position to continue to help us grow.
I still need to fill 2 shifts.
Morning 0730-11 or when it slows
Afternoon 1500-2000 or when it slows
Contact Perreault (484) 892-1787 for details
Pat Browne and Pete Schweyer need our, IAFF Local 302 members, to help tomorrow. Saeed Georges and Nick Miller need our help. This is a political voice-building election for us. Come out and help us continue the growth.
Local 302 Executive Board

Attached is a guideline sent from HR to all Allentown Employees.

Currently, you come to work unless you have a positive test, regardless of exposure.  If you have been exposed but are not positive there are certain mask mandates that are to be followed.

 The biggest change in the current protocol was highlighted in yellow.  Your positive test must be professionally administered at a testing site.  The City continues to provide the testing at the Central fire station.  The positive test should provide date-specific administering as well as the location if not administered at Central.

At-home tests will no longer be accepted.

  It’s that time again…Primary election season. As always, this is when we show our political friends that we appreciate the help they give us when we need new equipment and grants, helping us to do our jobs safely and expand the Department. Those of us who served under a hostile administration understand how far we have come and what it takes to never go back. We’ve achieved this accomplishment by standing with our friends and community and building a strong reputable brand. By continuing to endorse, vote, and provide campaign manpower support, we show everyone that IAFF Local 302 Allentown Fire Fighters are good allies to have in your corner.

Come out Tuesday, May 17th, and help us at the polls. Those who have helped in the past realize that it is a good way to positively engage the citizens of Allentown and promote Local 302.


Morning shift 0700 to about 11 or when it slows down

Afternoon shift 1500-2000 or again, when the polls slow

Don’t assume that we have enough help. The more help we get the less each guy has to stand at a poll. We will provide yellow Local 302 t-shirts for election day.

Contact Perreault (484)892-1787 for more information.

Posted are the candidates we have endorsed locally for Pa Senate District 16 (Pat Browne), new Pa Senate District 14 (Nick Miller), Pa Legislative District 22nd (Saeed Georges) and Pete Schweyer’s new Pa Legislative District 134. As always vote for your beliefs. These are our endorsements based solely on Fire Fighter and labor issues.

Thank you,

Local 302 Executive Board


The regularly scheduled meetings of April 4 and 11, May 2 and 9 and June 6 and 13 will held at 1930hrs at the Knight of Columbus at 1519 Greenleaf street

 Tomorrow is the parade and we’re still looking for guys to come out and support our Union by marching with Local 302 and our Labor friends in the Allentown St Patrick’s Day Parade.
 We will have food and drinks available before and during the parade. Families are welcone and encouraged. This really is a fun event for all.
Touch base with Jawsy (484)866-1606 to let him know you’re coming.
1100 @ Ritz BBQ parking lot. We start the parade at 1.
Executive Board

  The Services for Retired BC. Robert & Norma Fatzinger will be held on March 18th at O’Donnell Funeral home, 908 Hanover Ave. Allentown Pa. 18109. Calling hours will be from 830am to 10 am, service from 10 am to 11 am at the funeral home.

We will be providing Honor Guard during the calling hours. Following the service Interment will be at Cedar Hill Memorial Park. 1740 Airport Rd. Allentown Pa. 18109. It is not known at this time if that will be a private service.

***BC Held is setting up the Honor Guard for Chief Fatzinger’s funeral. There are 2 guys standing at a time, so he will have 12 spots available at 15 minutes each. Text him if you would like to stand. It is Friday from 0830 to 1000.
Attached is an order form for shorts being sold by retired FF Barry Warmkessel.  Every 2 years he participates in a cancer fundraiser called the perimeter ride where he rides his bike approximately 500 miles in 6 days.
100% of the proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.
A sample of the shorts is located in the Captain’s office.
His contact info is on the sheet or you can contact Lt. Warmkessel (484)-223-7276