Mr. Mayor,
I apologize for sending this correspondence as a email. I am currently out of town with multiple members of my Executive Board at a IAFF educational conference. This email is in reference to the COVID vaccination questionnaire and document uploading.
As Local 302 President I have encouraged and will continue to encourage all of my membership to get vaccinated. That being said it is the opinion of Local 302 that any information requests or mandates on behalf of the City of Allentown are mandatory subjects of bargaining. Therefore I have instructed my membership that they do not have to participate in the questionnaire.
To assist the City with regards of total numbers of employees vaccinated I have already supplied Mel with a total report of employees by vaccination status and how many have tested positive for the virus. I am in the process of updating the numbers and will continue to provide you with the whole units statistics, but not broken down by individual.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me.
The USMC/AFD Toys For Tots campaign is winding down. The last day to drop a toy in a box is the 20th. Please keep your eyes open for anyone coming to the firehouse to donate.
If anyone wants to help out at the warehouse they are in desperate need of volunteers this year. Contact brother Pierce.
23 Votes cast.
Vice President- Aaron Pychinka-23 votes
Secretary – Jason Custer- 23 votes
E-Board- Jason Tatum- 23 votes
Trustee- Vote for 2
John Hammel-23
Mark Kennedy-21
Sergent of Arms- Mark Kresge Jr. – 23
Director of Welfare- Paul Phalon- 23
Delegate to the IAFF Convention 2022 – Vote for 1
Aaron Pychinka- 17
Mark Kresge Jr.- 3
William Henry-3
Mark Kennedy-0
Alternate Delegate to the IAFF Convention 2022- Vote for 1
William Henry- 3
Mark Kresge Jr.- 4
Aaron Pychinka- 5
Mark Kennedy- 11